Monday, May 25, 2009

A Vegan Baby

While having a baby isn't an excuse for slacking on the posts for many many months now, I do have some cuteness to make up for it.

Welcome Eames (who is now 3 weeks old...)!


VeganCowGirl said...

Welcome baby!!!! So wonderful. My vegan baby will be here in about 3 weeks!!! We will have to collaborate on vegan baby adventures!
Happiness and hugs to you and yours.

Bianca said...

Awww! That is some cuteness. And a great excuse for not blogging, probably the best excuse.

aTxVegn said...

Congratulations! He is so precious. Enjoy every minute with him.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! He's gorgeous. -Nora

Sheree' said...

Post all the cuteness you want. Cute beyond words!!! My grandson is going to be 1 in 2 short weeks and can't believe he was ever this small. My they grow up fast!!!