Monday, July 7, 2008

$14 Baked Tofu

When I finished coursework, I got the hell out of Dodge. Ok, it was actually Tucson, but it felt like hell and I skeedaddled. While once again residing in my parents garage, I started studying for comprehensive exams and, in order to not go bat-shit crazy, I got a job at a local coffee shop so I'd have contact with people. Said coffee shop was owned by a couple of vegans and they had a baked tofu wrap with the most delicious tofu in it. While I was eventually fired from that job--for reasons that still elude me though there was a veiled suggestion that I took $14 and I suppose a 30 year old grad student might look like the likeliest culprit--I do have fond memories of the tofu. Fond enough that I tried to recreate it despite the heat.
$14 Baked Tofu

2 lbs. extra firm tofu, sliced
3/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup olive oil
1 tbsp. liquid smoke
1/2 tsp. onion powder
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1/8 tsp. white pepper

Whisk together all the ingredients--except tofu, of course--and pour into a flat bottom pan. The pan should be big enough to hold the tofu, but not so big that the liquid doesn't cover the tofu. Submerge tofu in liquid, cover, and marinate overnight (I put mine in the fridge). The next day, lay tofu out on a cookie sheet and bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes on each side (time depends on thickness of your tofu). Let cool and enjoy in a wrap or munch on them all on their own.


Bianca said...

Bastards! Firing you over $14 that you didn't even take! At least the tofu was good.

Congrats, btw, on the recent anniversary!

Anonymous said...

I read this recipe and was like, "that sounds good," plus I have been trying to cook a little more lately (no reason not to since I'm not working). C reluctantly agreed but stated several times that he didn't like baked tofu (he's never had it) and that he didn't think it would be very good.

He ate his words (and the tofu). This was absolutely DELICIOUS!! Thanks :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot to say, we had ours in a wrap with sour cream and fresh basil. Yum...

Rural Vegan said...

Firing you over an alleged $14? I think we should revoke their vegan card.